The Frip
Castaway Companions
Castaway poet Greta Stoddart choses poems by Elizabeth Bishop, Raymond Carver and Czeslaw Milosz for her desert island stay
Deep fake, rush fade, tilt shift, whip pan, smash cut
Jane Routh reviews Dream into Play by Richard Skinner (Poetry Salzburg, 2022)
Maybe it’s already gone supernova
Carl Tomlinson reviews Space Baby by Suzannah Evans (Nine Arches, 2022)
Ready to catch light
Emma Simon reviews the small manoeuvres by Kathy Pimlott (Verve, 2022)
Inside iamb
The Friday Poem talks to Mark Antony Owen, founder and editor of poet directory and quarterly journal iamb
The mind begins this squeaking
Nell Prince reviews Finishing School by Michaela Coplen (Ignition, 2022)
Your death opens gates to the dark world
Bruno Cooke reviews Orlam by PJ Harvey (Picador, 2022)
Progress was made
Poet and literature activist Jonathan Davidson considers the concept of 'progress' in poetry
Seawort, marram grass, a length of rusted metal chain
Khadija Rouf reviews Notes on Water by Amanda Dalton (Smith|Doorstop, 2022)
Ticking its own wild time
Tony Curtis on 'In the Theatre' by Dannie Abse, a poem which changed his life as a writer
Photo credit and copyright Amit Lennon
Photo credit and copyright Amit Lennon
An empty room
Charlotte Gann reviews Towards a General Theory of Love by Clare Shaw (Bloodaxe, 2022)
Ce n’est pas une métaphore
Hilary Menos reviews Our Lady of Tyres / Notre dame des pneus by Claire Trévien, translated from English to French by Marie Lando (Broken Sleep Books, 2022)