Search the Archive.Maybe it’s already gone supernova Book Review: Carl Tomlinson reviews Space Baby by Suzannah Evans (Nine Arches, 2022) Epitaphs by Stephen Payne — our Friday Poem on 02/09/22 Ready to catch light Book Review: Emma Simon reviews the small manoeuvres by Kathy Pimlott (Verve, 2022) Inside iamb Inside iamb: The Friday Poem talks to Mark Antony Owen, founder and editor of iamb The mind begins this squeaking Pamphlet Review: Nell Prince reviews Finishing School by Michaela Coplen (Ignition, 2022) Phobia by Nicholas Hogg — our Friday Poem on 26/08/22 Your death opens gates to the dark world Book Review: Bruno Cooke reviews Orlam by PJ Harvey (Picador, 2022) Progress was made Feature: Poet and literature activist Jonathan Davidson considers progress, sharing and how to carry poetry into the future Seawort, marram grass, a length of rusted metal chain Pamphlet Review: Khadija Rouf reviews Notes on Water by Amanda Dalton (Smith|Doorstop, 2022) How It Began by Charlotte Muse — our Friday Poem on 19/08/22 Ticking its own wild time Unpack a poem: Tony Curtis on 'In the Theatre' by Dannie Abse An empty room Book Review: Charlotte Gann reviews Towards a General Theory of Love by Clare Shaw (Bloodaxe, 2022) ‹ 1 … 29 30 31 32 33 … 48 ›