Search the Archive.Six Christmas Poems Feature: Six Christmas Poems Ping by Martyn Crucefix — our Friday Poem on 16/12/22 Drawing the clean light in and doing good Book Review: Annie Fisher reviews The Bigger Picture by D. A. Prince (HappenStance, 2022) A soft labyrinth of signals Pamphlet Review: Hilary Menos reviews The Grass Boat by Imogen Forster (Mariscat, 2021) Judging a book by its cover Feature: Judging a book by its cover Muscle memory by Richard Meier — our Friday Poem on 09/12/22 Castaway Companions Castaway: Samuel Tongue chooses poems by Gillian Clarke, Dylan Thomas and Alexander Hutchison The wonders this lens can do! Book Review: Steven Lovatt reviews Ferenc Juhász: Selected Poems translated by David Wevill (Shearsman, 2022) Put me in a drum and bang me Pamphlet Review: Tim Murphy reviews The Barman by Helen Bowell (Bad Betty Press, 2022) The Lego House by Alexandra Masters — our Friday Poem on 02/12/22 We certainly like our poets to be challenging in what they say but perhaps less so in how they say it! Feature: The Friday Poem talks to Mike Bartholomew-Biggs from London Grip about poetry reviews, London Grip New Poetry, Poetry in the Crypt and the joy of maths A good flow is like a fossil / it preserves the time Book Review: Bruno Cooke reviews The Lost Chronicle by Polarbear (Bloomsbury, 2022) ‹ 1 … 24 25 26 27 28 … 48 ›