Catch the heart off guard and blow it open
Annie Fisher reviews Skin & Blister by Blake Morrison (Mariscat, 2023)
玫瑰, गुलाब, rose
D.A. Prince reviews After all we have travelled by Sarala Estruch (Nine Arches Press, 2023)
The wonders this lens can do!
Steven Lovatt reviews Ferenc Juhász: Selected Poems translated by David Wevill (Shearsman, 2022)
And far away a writer drawing a breath
Regina Weinert reviews Uneasy Pieces by Nancy Campbell (Guillemot Press 2022)
Your gift living on in cracked pots carried from garden to garden
Maggie Mackay reviews The Doll's Hospital by Jenny Robb (Yaffle, 2022)
Deep fake, rush fade, tilt shift, whip pan, smash cut
Jane Routh reviews Dream into Play by Richard Skinner (Poetry Salzburg, 2022)
Maybe it’s already gone supernova
Carl Tomlinson reviews Space Baby by Suzannah Evans (Nine Arches, 2022)
Ce n’est pas une métaphore
Hilary Menos reviews Our Lady of Tyres / Notre dame des pneus by Claire Trévien, translated from English to French by Marie Lando (Broken Sleep Books, 2022)
A single umbrella is enough to start a revolution
Matthew Stewart reviews The Storm in the Piano by Christopher James (Maytree Press, 2022),
Like worms on the corruption in which they are bred
Hilary Menos reviews The Poets’ Guide to Economics by John Ramsden (Pallas Athene, 2022)
When you are being eaten by vultures they will leave your face alone
Hilary Menos reviews Jongleur by Rennie Parker (Shoestring, 2021)