A soft labyrinth of signals
Hilary Menos reviews The Grass Boat by Imogen Forster (Mariscat, 2021)
Hilary Menos reviews The Grass Boat by Imogen Forster (Mariscat, 2021)
Hilary Menos reviews I Dreamed I Was Emily Dickinson’s Boyfriend by Ron Koertge (Red Hen Press, 2022)
Hilary Menos reviews Turn Up the Ocean by Tony Hoagland (Bloodaxe, 2022)
Hilary Menos reviews Ovarium by Joanna Ingham (Emma Press, 2022)
Hilary Menos reviews Our Lady of Tyres / Notre dame des pneus by Claire Trévien, translated from English to French by Marie Lando (Broken Sleep Books, 2022)
Hilary Menos reviews The Poets’ Guide to Economics by John Ramsden (Pallas Athene, 2022)
In the first of a new series of close readings, Hilary Menos unpacks the poem ‘Incredible’ by Simon Armitage
Hilary Menos reviews Ephemeron by Fiona Benson (Cape, 2022)
Hilary Menos reviews Miracle Theatre’s Everyman, adapted by Carol Ann Duffy, at the Princess Pavillion, Falmouth
I like poetry that keeps the lid on AND lets the pig out ...
Matthew Paul reviews Lemonade in the Armenian Quarter by Sarah Mnatzaganian, Maggie Mackay reviews Following Teisa by Judi Sutherland and Hilary Menos reviews Badlands by Hugo Williams
Hilary Menos reviews Jongleur by Rennie Parker (Shoestring, 2021)