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Hilary Menos reviews Notes on the Sonnets by Luke Kennard (Penned in the Margins, 2021), winner of the Forward Prize for Best Collection 2021
Hilary Menos reviews Notes on the Sonnets by Luke Kennard (Penned in the Margins, 2021), winner of the Forward Prize for Best Collection 2021
Mat Riches reviews Coping Stones by Richie McCaffery, Emma Simon reviews The One Girl Gremlin by Phoebe Stuckes and Hilary Menos reviews is, thinks Pearl by Julia Bird
Hilary Menos looks back at the poets who embodied the spirit of punk in the 1970s and 80s and asks where are the punk poets of today?
Hilary Menos reviews Lyonesse by Penny Shuttle (Bloodaxe, 2021)
Richie McCaffery reviews Diary of a Divorce by S. D. Curtis, Carla Scarano D'Antonio reviews the hispering by Sarah Hymas, and Hilary Menos reviews Crucifox by Geraldine Clarkson
Hilary Menos reviews Fridge by Selima Hill (The Rialto, 2021), oh be quiet by Natalie Shaw (Against the Grain, 2020), and do not be lulled by the dainty starlike blossom by Rachael Matthews (The Emma Press, 2021)
Hilary Menos reviews The Out-Islands by Martin Edwards (Smokestack, 2021)
Hilary Menos reviews How To Wash A Heart by Bhanu Kapil, winner of the TS Eliot Prize 2020