Book Reviews
Hanging onto Tam Lin in The Arctic
Helena Nelson reviews The Arctic by Don Paterson (Faber, 2022)
Murderous parrots eat souls
Richie McCaffery reviews Mouth of Shadows by Tim Murphy (SurVision Books, 2022)
Schist and quartz and sparks of mica
Hilary Menos reviews The Red House by Sharon Black (Drunk Muse Press, 2022)
Let the morbid fancy roam
Rory Waterman reviews Donald Davie, Selected Poems, ed. Sinéad Morrissey (Carcanet, 2022)
Something beginning with earth
Maggie Mackay reviews Desperate Fishwives by Lindsay Macgregor (Molecular Press, Geneva, 2022)
A change in the momentum of the world
Victoria Moul reviews The Thirteenth Angel by Philip Gross (Bloodaxe, 2022)
In the Light of Rocket Flares
Maryann Corbett reviews 'One Hundred Visions of War', a translation by Alfred Nicol of 'Cent Visions de Guerre' by Julien Vocance (Wiseblood Books, 2022)
Trains necklacing the night
Mat Riches reviews Climacteric by Jo Bratten (Fly On The Wall Press, 2022)
Murders, thefts and debts, quarrels and ‘domestics’
Jane Routh reviews Testimonies by Hamish Whyte (HappenStance Press, 2022)
Drawing the clean light in and doing good
Annie Fisher reviews The Bigger Picture by D. A. Prince (HappenStance, 2022)
The wonders this lens can do!
Steven Lovatt reviews Ferenc Juhász: Selected Poems translated by David Wevill (Shearsman, 2022)
A good flow is like a fossil / it preserves the time
Bruno Cooke reviews The Lost Chronicle by Polarbear (Bloomsbury, 2022)