Book Reviews
Seedpearl work
Jane Routh reviews The Language of Bees by Rae Howells (Parthian, 2022)
Dealing in shards
Steven Lovatt reviews Amnion by Stephanie Sy-Quia (Granta, 2021)
Luve’s arcane delirium
Richie McCaffery reviews The Mouth of Eulalie by Annie Brechin (Blue Diode, 2022)
Glass through heat
Jane Routh reviews Panic Response by John McCullough (Penned in the Margins, 2022)
A flower blossoming out of the hole in my face
Khadija Rouf reviews Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head by Warsan Shire (Chatto & Windus with Flipped Eye, 2022)
A gorgeous fluorescent yes
Hilary Menos reviews Ephemeron by Fiona Benson (Cape, 2022)
A dark shape from the sun
Rob A. Mackenzie reviews Dead Souls by Sam Riviere (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2021)
Mosses and dunlins, lichens and curlew, light and water
Carl Tomlinson reviews what is near by Kay Syrad (Cinnamon, 2021)
I could have been betterer. Et-fucking-cetera
Hilary Menos reviews Miracle Theatre’s Everyman, adapted by Carol Ann Duffy, at the Princess Pavillion, Falmouth
He turns to her, she turns to him
Annie Fisher reviews Pearls: the complete Mr and Mrs Philpott poems by Helena Nelson (HappenStance, 2022)