Enter some text to search. Or just browse.Ups and Downs In Conversation: The Friday Poem talks to Lorna Dowell, poet, teacher and former Mole Valley Poet Laureate One year of daft editorial pictures Photo-feature: Editorial picture shenanigans The hail clanjamfrie’s singin Feature: Regina Weinert writes in memory of William Bonar (1953-2021) Castaway Companions Castaway: Sarah Wimbush chooses poems by Ted Hughes, Liz Berry and Paul Bentley to take to her desert island Finding the source Feature: Tom Sastry writes about politics, connection and what poetry is for Considering the effects Essay: Matthew Paul looks at poems featuring bowls by Stephen Payne, Pauline Stainer and Ted Walker The Competition Poem Feature: The Frip asks is there such a thing as the "competition poem"? The Understory Conversation: Building Connection Feature: Charlotte Gann talks about her new project, The Understory North and South Photo-feature: Rory Waterman talks about his time as international writer in residence for Bucheon UNESCO City of Literature paid Feature: Andrew McMillan on the challenges and rewards of poetry commissions Poetry: a lockdown journey Feature: Sophie Buchaillard talks about the Writers on Reading podcast, how poetry can be a real conversation between writer and reader, and about the future of Welsh poetry I’m enjoying the anonymity while it lasts In Conversation: The Friday Poem talks to Brian Bilston, the unofficial Poet Laureate of Twitter ‹ 1 … 9 10 11 12 13 … 15 ›