Book Reviews
A way of saying
Matthew Paul reviews Fool by Greta Stoddart (Bloodaxe, 2022)
Hope is a thing with 1. Fur 2. Down 3. Feathers 4. An exoskeleton
Hilary Menos reviews I Dreamed I Was Emily Dickinson’s Boyfriend by Ron Koertge (Red Hen Press, 2022)
The Irish word for love
Chris Edgoose reviews Rescue Contraptions by Joe Duggan (tall-lighthouse, 2022)
Bone white, star bright
Stephen Payne reviews Feeling Unusual by Ann Drysdale (Shoestring Press, 2022)
The making of a new crown
D.A. Prince reviews A Little Resurrection by Selina Nwulu (Bloomsbury, 2022)
You make a mirrorball out of the rain
Mat Riches reviews Glut by Ramona Herdman (Nine Arches, 2022)
Letting the shadow out of the box
Hilary Menos reviews Turn Up the Ocean by Tony Hoagland (Bloodaxe, 2022)
Uncharted territory
Helena Nelson reviews Imperium by Jay Gao (Carcanet, 2022)
Candle flowered kingdoms around the Black Sea
Carl Tomlinson reviews England's Green by Zaffar Kunial (Faber, 2022)
Hydra heads of rebellions
Matthew Stewart reviews The Kentish Rebellion by Robert Selby (Shoestring, 2022)
Tangerine seethe beneath coal crackle
Annie Fisher reviews Relativism by Mary Ford Neal (Taproot Press, 2022)
Your gift living on in cracked pots carried from garden to garden
Maggie Mackay reviews The Doll's Hospital by Jenny Robb (Yaffle, 2022)