Search the Archive.Observation by Nicola Healey — our Friday Poem on 15/04/22 Whichever life we live, it’s the other calls Book Review: Carl Tomlinson reviews Hotel Anonymous by Mike Barlow (Pindrop, 2021) Considering the effects Essay: Matthew Paul looks at poems featuring bowls by Stephen Payne, Pauline Stainer and Ted Walker Selected Ambient Works Book Review: Bruno Cooke reviews You've got so many machines, Richard: an anthology of Aphex Twin poetry edited by Rishi Dastidar and Aaron Kent (Broken Sleep, 2022) The Competition Poem Feature: The Frip asks is there such a thing as the "competition poem"? Elephants by Lorna Dowell — our Friday Poem on 01/04/22 The Understory Conversation: Building Connection Feature: Charlotte Gann talks about her new project, The Understory I would make a language out of this Book Review: Stephen Payne reviews Speechless at Inch by James Caruth (Smith|Doorstop, 2021) Song by Martin Edwards — our Friday Poem on 25/03/22 North and South Photo-feature: Rory Waterman talks about his time as international writer in residence for Bucheon UNESCO City of Literature Three pamphlets: Sarah Mnatzaganian, Judi Sutherland and Hugo Williams Pamphlet Review: Matthew Paul reviews Lemonade in the Armenian Quarter by Sarah Mnatzaganian (Against the Grain, 2022), Maggie Mackay reviews Following Teisa by Judi Sutherland (Book Mill, 2021) and Hilary Menos reviews Badlands by Hugo Williams (Mariscat, 2021) Statues to honour hunger Book Review: Fiona Moore reviews Eat Or We Both Starve by Victoria Kennefick (Carcanet, 2021) ‹ 1 … 35 36 37 38 39 … 48 ›