Dunna wittle, it’ll be reet
Isabelle Thompson reviews Ostriches: Ten Poems about My Dad by Jeanette Burton (Candlestick Press, 2024)
Isabelle Thompson reviews Ostriches: Ten Poems about My Dad by Jeanette Burton (Candlestick Press, 2024)
Annie Fisher reviews Surprising the Misses McRuvie by Eleanor Livingstone (Red Squirrel Press, 2023)
D. A. Prince reviews This is You, Dear Stranger by Paula Jennings (Red Squirrel Press, 2024)
Helena Nelson reviews Exposure by Eric Yip (Ignition Press, 2024)
Khadija Rouf reviews A Coalition of Cheetahs by Doreen Gurrey and Spin by Laurie Bolger
Annie Fisher reviews Ruin, Blossom by John Burnside (Cape, 2024)
Hilary Menos reviews The Snow Globe by Jenny Pagdin (Nine Arches, 2024)
D. A. Prince reviews The Asking: New and Selected Poems by Jane Hirshfield (Bloodaxe, 2024)
Maggie Mackay reviews A Change in the Air by Jane Clarke (Bloodaxe, 2023)
Isabelle Thompson reviews Come Here to This Gate by Rory Waterman (Carcanet, 2024)
Carl Tomlinson reviews Eleanor Among The Saints by Rachel Mann (Carcanet, 2024)
Stephen Payne reviews House on the A34 by Philip Hancock (CB Editions, 2023)