Stephen Payne
Bone white, star bright
Stephen Payne reviews Feeling Unusual by Ann Drysdale (Shoestring Press, 2022)
by Stephen Payne — TINKER // Despite the name, he worked with several metals. / Despite the name, he worked with craft and care. / Let him forget about the pans and kettles / that all his tinkering could not repair. // TAILOR // Although his future
Considering the effects
Matthew Paul looks at poems featuring bowls by Stephen Payne, Pauline Stainer and Ted Walker
I would make a language out of this
Stephen Payne reviews Speechless at Inch by James Caruth (Smith|Doorstop, 2021)
Let trigons be trigons
Mat Riches reviews The Windmill Proof by Stephen Payne (HappenStance, 2021)