
Khadija Rouf
This page shows the features and reviews that Khadija Rouf has contributed to The Friday Poem

Maggie Mackay
Maggie Mackayloves family history, winding it into lyrical poems in print and online journals such as Ink Sweat &Tears, Prole,

Matthew Paul
Matthew Paullives in Rotherham and has worked as a local government education officer since 1992. His first collection, The Evening Entertainment,

Carl Tomlinson
Carl Tomlinsonlives on a smallholding in Oxfordshire. He works as a business coach and virtual finance director. His work been

Rory Waterman
Rory WatermanRory Waterman is the author of three collections from Carcanet: Tonight the Summer’s Over, which was a PBS Recommendation and was

Bruno Cooke
Contributor page Bruno Cookeis The Friday Poem’s Spoken Word Poetry Editor. He recently launched a Substack publication called My Special Interest, and has

Chris Edgoose
Contributor page Chris Edgoose is a poet and blogger at Wood Bee Poet. He lives near Cambridge in the UK, and has had

Charlotte Gann
Contributor page Charlotte Gannis an editor from Sussex. She has an English degree from UCL and an MA in Creative

Steven Lovatt
Contributor page Steven Lovattis the author of Birdsong in a Time of Silence (Particular Books, 2021), shortlisted for the Richard

Hilary Menos
Contributor page Hilary MenosFriday Poem editor Hilary Menos has had two poetry collections published by Seren Books, Berg (2009), which won the

Mat Riches
Contributor page Mat Richesis ITV’s poet-in-residence (they don’t know this). His work’s been in a number of journals and magazines,

Emma Simon
Contributor page Emma Simonhas published two pamphlets, The Odds (Smith|Doorstop, 2020) and Dragonish (The Emma Press, 2017). The Odds was a winner in The Poetry Business