Chris Edgoose

The Irish word for love
Chris Edgoose reviews Rescue Contraptions by Joe Duggan (tall-lighthouse, 2022)

What lies ahead may cause upset
Chris Edgoose reviews WE’RE ALL IN IT TOGETHER: poems for a disUNITED KINGDOM edited by Michael Stewart, Steve Ely and Kayleigh Campbell (Grist, 2022).

Call it Love
Chris Edgoose reviews Bioluminescent Baby by Fiona Benson (Guillemot, 2021)

Two Poetries: Spender, Poetry and Ideology
Chris Edgoose considers Stephen Spender, revolutionary poetry and the need for trust between writers and readers of poetry

Chris Edgoose reviews The Dereliction by Liz Berry and Tom Hicks (Hercules Editions, 2021)

In the second of our series on over-used words in poetry, Chris Edgoose takes on 'palimpsest'

Portrait of the Poet as an Artist
by Chris Edgoose — The Pity was waiting for Michelangelo / in a perfect block of Carrara marble, / and in its carving he learned the weight, / the hang, and the fold of his own heart, / whose hidden dimensions