Chestnut ribbon of speed
Hilary Menos reviews The Luck by Jane Routh (Smith|Doorstop, 2024)
Hilary Menos reviews The Luck by Jane Routh (Smith|Doorstop, 2024)
Helena Nelson and Hilary Menos discuss With My Back to the World by Victoria Chang (Corsair, 2024)
Helena Nelson and Hilary Menos discuss the five poems shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem (Written)
Hilary Menos reviews The Snow Globe by Jenny Pagdin (Nine Arches, 2024)
Hilary Menos reviews Contraflow: Lines of Englishness 1922–2022, selected by John Greening & Kevin Gardner (Renard, 2023)
Hilary Menos reviews Many Professional Wrestlers Never Retire by Dane Holt (The Lifeboat, 2023)
Hilary Menos reviews nine by David Harsent (Guillemot Press, 2023)
Hilary Menos reviews Savage Tales by Tara Bergin (Carcanet, 2022
Hilary Menos reviews Slide by Mark Pajak (Cape, 2022)
Julie Blake, co-founder of Poetry By Heart, talks about the benefits of learning poetry, the joys of performance, and the Poetry By Heart national poetry speaking competition
Photos by Sam Strickland
Philip Gross discusses writing poetry about his family in The Wasting Game and Deep Field, the importance of self-knowledge, and what makes a 'good' poem
Hilary Menos reviews The Red House by Sharon Black (Drunk Muse Press, 2022)