November 2023 Frip

Curiosities for the curious
Clare Best reviews Wunderkammer by Helen Ivory (MadHat Press, 2023)

Sunset over Sky dishes
Maggie Mackay reviews 20 by Holly Magill (Drunk Muse Press, 2023)

As if to map the hidden history
Isabelle Thompson reviews Cargo by Charlotte Gann (Mariscat Press, 2023)

Alley Sally, Flash Face, Do-No-Day
Jane Routh reviews Material Properties by Jacob Polley (Picador, 2023)

Tiny shorts the colour of meringues
Annie Fisher reviews Women in Comfortable Shoes by Selima Hill (Bloodaxe Books, 2023)

‘What is the language using us for?’
Helena Nelson reviews Isdal by Susannah Dickey (Picador, 2023)

Duster Bennett live at Frank Freeman’s
Matthew Paul reviews New and Selected Poems by Cliff Yates (Smith|Doorstop, 2023)

There is a happy land
Ian Harker looks at the poetry scene in Leeds

The toad, the child, the sapling
Richard Meier treats us to a tour of his poetry bookshelf

The cutty’s goistering
The Friday Poem talks to poet and gardener Jackie Wills

Our small Homeric lives
Steven Lovatt reviews Dead Letters by Carole Coates (Shoestring, 2023)