
Earth Songs
A Resurgence Anthology of contemporary eco-poetry (Green Books, 2002, edited by Peter Abbs) was the first major anthology of contemporary eco-poetry. It offers a wide-ranging collection of poems taken from the pages of Resurgence Magazine with contributions from Wendell Berry, Sujata Bhatt, Gillian Clarke and Seamus Heaney, among others. The poems celebrate wildlife, the seasons, wilderness, and the way in which our lives are in constant creative or destructive play with the whole of nature.

Wild Reckoning
Inspired by the fortieth anniversary of Rachel Carson’s controversial and prophetic book ‘Silent Spring’, which warned against the indiscriminate use of pesticides and its consequences for the environment, and for us. The anthology features poems commissioned from leading poets including Seamus Heaney and Andrew Motion, as well as work from a number of American eco-poets.

The Thunder Mutters
The Thunder Mutters: 101 poems for the planet (Faber, 2006, edited by Alice Oswald) begins with Oswald’s dedication to the

Earth Shattering
Earth Shattering ecopoems (Bloodaxe, 2007, edited by Neil Astley) ranges far and wide, from the wilderness poetry of ancient China to