Book Reviews

I am cobalt and cherry pulp lyric
Tim Murphy reviews VISIONS & FEED by Maria Sledmere (HVTN Press, 2022)

You are less separate than you imagine
Charlotte Gann reviews The Hopeful Hat by Carole Satyamurti (Bloodaxe, 2023)

Can’t you see the poetry in throwing a fire extinguisher through the window of the Ritz?
Karen Smith reviews Improvised Explosive Device by Arji Manuelpillai (Penned in the Margins, 2022)

First-class business to transact
Isabelle Thompson reviews Tabula Rasa: Poetry by Women (Linen Press, 2023)

Crash the force shield of this screen
Emma Simon reviews The Kingdom by Jane Draycott (Carcanet, 2022)

Of difference, and of faith and its loss
Maggie Mackay reviews Hymnal by Julia Bell (Parthian, 2023)

Snowfall mixes with burning ash
Tim Murphy reviews To An Occupier Burning Holes by Ken Evans (Salt, 2022)

Blown like glass into brittle intricacies
Hilary Menos reviews Slide by Mark Pajak (Cape, 2022)

玫瑰, गुलाब, rose
D.A. Prince reviews After all we have travelled by Sarala Estruch (Nine Arches Press, 2023)

There are some things that can’t be washed away
Tim Murphy reviews Sing Me Down from the Dark by Alexandra Corrin-Tachibana (Salt, 2022)

One Woman Revolution
Chris Edgoose reviews White/Other by Fran Lock

More life!
Stephen Payne reviews Scenes from Life on Earth by Kathryn Simmonds (Salt, 2022)