Book Reviews

To hear their voice bounce off the shape of things
Rory Waterman reviews This Afterlife: Selected Poems by A. E. Stallings (Carcanet, 2022)

A basic beginning in tegnsprog
Carl Tomlinson reviews The House of the Interpreter by Lisa Kelly (Carcanet, 2023)

The weight of history
Matthew Paul reviews Selected Poems 1983–2023 by Ian Parks (Calder Valley Poetry, 2023)

Unfashionable almost to the point of provocation
Victoria Moul reviews Arctic Elegies by Peter Davidson (Carcanet, 2022)

Working off the movement of the earth in space
D.A. Prince reviews Dynamo by Luke Samuel Yates (The Poetry Business, 2023)

All the blues and greens
Isabelle Thompson reviews Say It With Me by Vanessa Lampert (Seren, 2023)

These moments, rare and marvellous
Jane Routh reviews The Guest Room by Diana Hendry (Worple Press, 2022)

A Community Reimagined
Chris Edgoose reviews Medlars by Geraldine Clarkson (Shearsman, 2023)

Rare is this wrought-work
Carl Tomlinson reviews Earth House by Matthew Hollis (Bloodaxe, 2023)

Meanwhile in Camelot
Helena Nelson reviews The Big Calls by Glyn Maxwell (Live Canon, 2023)

Inside fire what you get is fire
Victoria Moul reviews Heritage Aesthetics by Anthony Anaxagorou (Granta, 2022)

Finishing mummy’s pictures
Rachael Matthews reviews The Illustrated Woman by Helen Mort (Chatto & Windus, 2022)