Book Reviews
O linger Sapphos of the lash-line!
Alan Buckley reviews PLUS ULTRA by Sarah Fletcher (CHEERIO, 2023)
I with my mother became we
Maggie Mackay reviews Grief’s Alphabet by Carrie Etter (Seren, 2024)
The strong verbs
Helena Nelson reviews Camera Obscura by Philip Rush (Garlic Press, 2023)
That day when we can watch it fall
Steven Lovatt reviews Joe Hill Makes His Way into the Castle by Katy Evans-Bush (CB Editions, 2024)
There now
D. A. Prince reviews This is You, Dear Stranger by Paula Jennings (Red Squirrel Press, 2024)
Say I was born in peacetime
Annie Fisher reviews Ruin, Blossom by John Burnside (Cape, 2024)
Oh tears and blood
Hilary Menos reviews The Snow Globe by Jenny Pagdin (Nine Arches, 2024)
Sequins stay sequins
D. A. Prince reviews The Asking: New and Selected Poems by Jane Hirshfield (Bloodaxe, 2024)
Alert, electric, alive
Maggie Mackay reviews A Change in the Air by Jane Clarke (Bloodaxe, 2023)
Across the border
Isabelle Thompson reviews Come Here to This Gate by Rory Waterman (Carcanet, 2024)
Embroidering a priest
Carl Tomlinson reviews Eleanor Among The Saints by Rachel Mann (Carcanet, 2024)