AllBook ReviewsPamphlet ReviewsAll the bridges are down Book Review: Carl Tomlinson reviews Between A Drowning Man by Martyn Crucefix (Salt, 2023) This ritual of witness and professionalism Book Review: D.A. Prince reviews The Sessions by Jonathan Totman (Pindrop Press, 2023) The man will carry this void Book Review: Rory Waterman reviews Missing Person by Nicholas Hogg, (Broken Sleep Books, 2023) We have an opportunity to listen Book Review: Maggie Mackay reviews High Nowhere by Jean Atkin (Indigo Dreams, 2023) The Leeds Mummy abandons his chariot Pamphlet Review: Tim Murphy reviews A to Z of Superstitions by Ian Harker (Yaffle Press, 2023) The dull click-clink of gold against formica Book Review: Isabelle Thompson reviews I Think We’re Alone Now by Abigail Parry (Bloodaxe Books, 2023) The Heavyweight Champion of the World Book Review: Hilary Menos reviews Many Professional Wrestlers Never Retire by Dane Holt (The Lifeboat, 2023) Are Poetry Reviews Pointless? Feature / Book Review: Is it possible to review poetry in a more imaginative way? Inspired by Jon Stone’s Poems Are Toys, Helena Nelson reports on Shapeshifting for Beginners by Emma Simon (Salt, 2023) Across the empty field Book Review: Victoria Moul reviews The Penguin Book of Spiritual Verse: 101 Poets on the Divine edited by Kaveh Akbar (Penguin, 2023) Form it from loosestrife, form it remorselessly Book Review: Stephen Payne reviews Rope of Sand by Fiona Larkin (Pindrop Press, 2023) If Tarring Neville was not a village but a procedure Book Review: Matthew Paul reviews Instead of an Alibi by Geoff Hattersley (Broken Sleep Books, 2023) Each brief puncture of the incoming tide Pamphlet Review: Isabelle Thompson reviews Collecting the Data by Mat Riches (Red Squirrel Press, 2023) More