Derek’s Thoughts on Bodies in Motion
by Jonathan Humble — Sir Isaac Newton delivered an apple pie the other day. / Wanted to give it to my dog Derek / as a token of thanks ...
by Jonathan Humble — Sir Isaac Newton delivered an apple pie the other day. / Wanted to give it to my dog Derek / as a token of thanks ...
D. A. Prince reviews This is You, Dear Stranger by Paula Jennings (Red Squirrel Press, 2024)
Hunter Dukes on an eighty page poem by 'The Poet Laureate of Dentistry'
by Matthew Bullen — I’m sitting in a rough deck chair / in a tiny gravel park on the edge / of what the city calls its town square / for the arts ...
Helena Nelson reviews Exposure by Eric Yip (Ignition Press, 2024)
Khadija Rouf reviews A Coalition of Cheetahs by Doreen Gurrey and Spin by Laurie Bolger
by Victoria Gatehouse — When he doesn’t respond to my call / I leave the path, push bracken aside / to find him rolling on badger pelt ...
Bruno Cooke talks to Darby Hudson, the bearded Australian poet in the cuddly jumper
Rowan Bell talks to Katrina Porteous about the power of dialect words, plagiarism, and writing for radio
by A. A. Gunther — Let them depend on me for once, I think. / I’ll buy their drinks. Get them the round for free, / Let them depend on me ...
Annie Fisher reviews Ruin, Blossom by John Burnside (Cape, 2024)
Hilary Menos reviews The Snow Globe by Jenny Pagdin (Nine Arches, 2024)