The Friday Poem on 21/07/23
We chose ‘The Climbing Frame’ by Sarah Corbett to be our Friday Poem this week because the journey of the poem – from the delineated square of concrete to the precarious summit of the climbing frame – both describes and enacts the narrator’s cry to self-determination. It speaks to that part in all of us that refuses to surrender to external forces, to abandon a position of knowledge or power, and to be brought down to earth. The poem is tightly written and evocative – it’s a time-travelling tour de force!
The Climbing Frame
For Nicky
Square of hot concrete and new plimsolls
pulled on, elastic at the front, the soft/snap
over my heels & I leap up, five-year-old
queen of the climbing frame, those primary
coloured bars beneath hands and knees
a puzzle I’m just grasping as I crouch
at the summit, sun on my shoulders, pony-
tail swishing. Someone is telling me to
come down, and my No – rackets through
the years like a capsule sent into the future
to arrive at this moment – the camera-eye
of memory shrunk to a fuzzy-edged spectacle,
a code, an image, a child in shorts and plimsolls,
halo of sunlight and indignation as she refuses
all that it means to be brought down to earth.